Even though Shibas are considered generally healthy dogs, they are known for two unusual behaviors. Shiba Inu Scream and Shiba Inu shake are two dramatic behaviors that commonly occur in this breed. However, the good news is that owners shouldn’t panic because these pooches usually do that without a specific reason.
How does Shiba Inu shake look like?
Shiba Inu Shake looks like body shaking from head to paws. This is a common behavior for this breed and it’s not triggered by fear, anxiety, and aggression. However, in certain situations, your dog can start to shake in case he feels happy. Shaking behavior is often triggered by the dog’s extreme happiness. Therefore, in case you want to teach your dog not to shake, jump, and howl every time he/she sees you at the front door, then you have to control your emotions too.
In other words, do not overreact and do not show too much emotion when you come home from work. If you’ve determined that the reason for your Shiba Inu shake is uncontrollable emotions, then you have to change your arrival routine. Do not greet your furry friend with hugs, lots of praise words, and kisses. Try to calm down and just say your furry friend ‘Hello’ when you come home.
Is my Shiba Inu shaking due to something serious?
Stressful situations
Although Shiba Inus are not fearsome, they can become afraid when exposed to stressful situations. For example, some Shibas can start to shake when they feel a storm coming. They will usually hide under the table and start to whine and shake. In those moments, your dog will need emotional support and affection. In case the fear becomes severe, then your vet might prescribe him/her mild antidepressant therapy.
On the other hand, the winter holiday season can be another reason for your Shiba Inu shake. The sound of fireworks and firecrackers is not pleasant not only for humans but also for our dogs. Therefore, if you notice that your Shiba starts to shake right after the sound of firework, then you have to think about how to calm him/her down.
Separation anxiety
Separation anxiety can be another reason for your Shiba Inu shake. Although these pooches are quite independent, they can start to suffer from separation anxiety if they didn’t get the right socialization lessons. To prevent your pet from such behavior, you have to teach your pet to spend time alone in the crate or a specific place in the house from an early age. The good news is that most Shibas will quickly find entertainment because they’ve been bred to explore, sniff, and hunt. Therefore, a bigger concern will be how you can prevent your pet from chewing on home items due to boredom. Shibas are highly active dogs who won’t be the right pick for lazy or busy owners. They’ll best fit into an active type of family that loves to spend time outdoors in walking, hiking, running, and cycling.
Unfortunately, poisoning can be the third reason for shaking behavior. If your dog vomits, has diarrhea, shakes, and deals with rapid or slow heart rate, then he probably ate or sniffed a poisonous plant outside. In that case, you have to react quickly and take him/her to the vet.
Low blood sugar
If your Shiba Inu shakes very often, then we recommend you to take him to the vet to discover if there’s an underlying problem. For example, your pet might suffer from diabetes, low blood sugar, or kidney disease. In that case, your vet will perform different tests to discover the underlying issue.