
Shiba Inu Training- How And When To Start?

shiba inu's anxiety

Once you’ve decided to buy a dog, there is a long way to cross before you finally tailor its temperament and personality. Despite being small in size, Shiba Inus are famous for their independent and stubborn natures that can represent a problem during training lessons. However, with the owner’s consistency and efforts, even the most disobedient dog can grow into a confident family member. Shiba Inu training takes lots of positive reinforcement, patience, and time. Using punishment methods is not desirable since it rarely (or never) shows improvement in the long run. A dog who has been treated without respect will be on a higher tendency to show behavioral problems in the future.

are shiba inus aggressive

Shiba Inu training- When is the best time to start?

Although there isn’t a prescribed rule for all dogs, breeders and behavior specialists recommend starting with training as early as possible. Usually, puppies meet their new homes when they’re approximately 8 weeks old. It’s the best time to start with Shiba Inu training because younger dogs are better students and easier to implement commands.

When we talk about Shiba Inus, they might look cuddly and fluffy but they’re also considered one of the most difficult breeds to train. That’s why it’s extremely important to set the boundaries from the start. Your dog has to learn who the pack leader in the house is. These pooches are very intelligent, but their stubborn natures can make training lessons difficult. Therefore, the key is to find the right motivational tool.

For most dogs, snacks will work the best. However, some pooches would rather choose chew toys or interactive toys. Shiba Inus require lots of mental stimulation to extend their short attention span. 

Shiba Inu crate training

When you bring your Shiba Inu puppy home, make sure you choose a specific place in the house for crate training. Shibas like to have their own space for rest, playing, and enjoying the time of independence. In that way, you’ll explain to your pet what is the ‘allowed zone’ in the house, so he will be less prone to destructive behavior and home accidents.

Shiba Inu potty training

Shiba Inu potty training lessons should also start early. Place potty pads in a specific place in the house where your dog will be allowed to release the bladder and don’t forget to reward him with treats for a good job done. Once he becomes allowed to go outside, make sure you keep him always on leash because these pooches are famous for their great escape abilities. Since they belong to primitive breeds, Shiba Inus possess predatory instincts, so they wouldn’t hesitate to bolt out of the fence if the prey is close.

shiba inu training

Tips to keep in mind during Shiba Inu Training lessons

  • Do not yell at or punish your dog

Dogs are social beings that don’t love to be treated without respect. Therefore, we recommend you never raise your voice at your Shiba because it will only stress out him and increase his energy level. Instead, use a calm yet firm voice to teach him the desired behavior.

shiba inu training

  • Start with one specific command

Instead of teaching your pet three or four commands in a row, you should stick to only one command until your pooch masters it. In that way, you won’t confuse your Shiba and will make sure that he memorized the command correctly.

  • Always reward your Shiba Inu after a performed command

Dogs need to create a positive association with the performed activity. The reward should be given in a few seconds after the performed command to get the best results. Repeat the command several times a day and your pooch will quickly memorize it.

  • Limit training classes

It’s recommended to limit Shiba Inu training sessions to approximately 15 minutes to get the best results. Dogs have short concentration spans, so multiple short training lessons would better choice instead of performing only one long.

shiba inu training

  • Catch the bad act

Unwanted behavior should be immediately corrected. For example, if you see your Shiba chewing on home items, use a firm voice or clap with your hands to get his attention. The same you can do during the potty training. Note that Shiba Inus are quite stubborn, so can be hard to correct bad behaviors once they are established.

  • Prevent your Shiba Inu dominant behavior

Since Shiba Inus tend to be dominant, you have to set the boundaries from the start. Therefore, set the rules and don’t let your dog have the lead.

shiba inu training

Shiba Inu training-Wrapping up

To properly train your Shiba Inu, you’ll need to invest plenty of energy, time, and mutual understanding. Shibas are not the best pick for inexperienced owners who don’t have strong characters and who are not ready to outwit the dogs’ minds. Use toys, treats and don’t overreact if your pup makes a mistake. Shibas are very intelligent and can quickly take the dominance by responding with aggression if you become fearful about disobedience. Shiba Inus require plenty of mental competition and not physical punishment. It’s the best way to get the best from your Shiba Inu training.