
Shiba Inu Grooming- Everything You Need To Know

shiba inu grooming

Widely known for their ‘fox appearance’ and vivacious personalities, Shiba Inus attract attention with their amazing coats, pointy ears, and curly tails. Originated from Japan, these dogs were bred for hunting. However, due to their Teddy Bear appearance, charming personalities, and alertness, these pooches often find places in homes all over the world as lovely pets.

Shiba Inu Grooming Demands

One of the first things we spot on dogs is their coat. The coat relieves a lot about the dog’s health, diet, and care he gets. Therefore, the signs of an inappropriate diet or care will first appear on their coat. Shiba Inus are famous for their short, smooth, and foxy fur that doesn’t need to be trimmed.

Since their coat consists of two layers (outer and inner), it’s extremely important to provide them with regular grooming throughout the year. During the shedding season, Shiba Inu will need to be groomed more often. Otherwise, there will be a possibility to develop matted patches of hair that will be a perfect place for insects to grow. Ticks and lice could be only some of the potential threats that can violate your dog’s health.

Since your Shiba will excessively shed twice a year (during spring and fall), you’ll need to perform grooming more often during that period. However, by using the right grooming brushes, you can your pooch to look nourished and neat.

How to manage Shiba Inu grooming?

We all know that shedding season knows to be quite messy. You’ll find your Shiba’s fur all around you… on your furniture, floors, and even sometimes in your food. This could be especially uncomfortable for humans who suffer from allergies because the dander will fall out altogether with your pet’s hair.

shiba inu grooming

Crate Training as one of the solutions

To keep your house clean from your Shiba Inu’s fur, we recommend you teach him to spend time in a specific place in the house. In this case, crate training will be of great help. Your Shiba Inu’s crate doesn’t need to represent a closed space or a cage. For example, it could be just a dog bed where your pooch will learn to spend most of the day.

Use a pet-friendly hoover

Another item you can use to keep under control your Shiba Inu’s shedding is a pet-friendly hoover. Many dogs get scared of the sound of hoovers, so we recommend you implement this routine in your Shiba’s life from an early age. Most owners love to reward their dogs with snacks and toys during this procedure, so that might also work for your dog.  By vacuuming his coat, you can decrease the time spent in grooming and will make your house cleaner.

Bathe your Shiba Inu more often during the shedding season

If you live in a warmer climate, then you’ve probably noticed that your Shiba sheds excessively. In that case, relaxing baths can help your pooch not only to get rid of the dead coat but also to cool down. Shibas who live in a warm climate will often show itchy behavior and suffer from allergies. Therefore, bathing a Shiba Inu during the summer months will help him to release itchiness, dander, dirt, allergens, and dull-coat. To make your Shiba Inu’s coat smooth and shiny, we recommend you to check the following Care Cream. You can apply it on a dry or wet coat, wait for several minutes, and then rinse it off.

Use a Shiba Inu grooming brush with needles

You can easier deal with Shiba Inu grooming process by using the brush with needles. Needles need to have round or waxed pins to make your pooch pleasant. You certainly don’t want to make cuts on your Shiba’s skin and cause permanent traumas. This practical grooming tool is perfect to use on pooches with double coats like Shiba Inus have. It features a button on the back to release the hair, and it’s preferable to use once a week.

Another Shiba Inu grooming tool that will be great for reaching all the places on your pet’s body is the following Grooming glove. It features gentle silicone pins that will be ideal for grooming thr dog’s armpits, head, and tail.