
How To Teach a Shiba Inu To Stay?

How To Teach a Shiba Inu To Stay?

Teaching your Shiba Inu the “stay” command can be one of the most difficult behaviors for them to master. This includes teaching him in stages, so you must first start with an end point and work back towards how long he will stay before leaving the spot without being told otherwise. Teaching this command is imperative if not downright life-saving sometimes!

How To Teach a Shiba Inu To Stay?

Determine how to start and how to end the command?

The first and most important rule of the command ‘stay’ is to have a definite beginning and definite ending moment so your Shiba Inu knows when he accomplished the command. This means pairing your stay command with an ending word that signals it’s finalized. The release words you can use are “OK,” ‘Free,’ Release’, “All Done.” Choose one verb as a release phrase every time your Shiba Inu performs the command.

To teach the release word, position your dog as you wish in either a sit or stand. Then tell him the stay command followed by “release word” and reward immediately after for good behavior. Don’t worry if your Shiba Inu doesn’t move right away- just be sure to offer positive interaction like clapping hands so that he can conclude when it’s OK for him to get up again!

How To Teach a Shiba Inu To Stay?

How to teach a Shiba Inu to stay in six easy steps?

  • Ask your Shiba Inu to lay down.
  • Choose a signal that will point out your dog to stop. For example, show your opened palm to your furry friend.
  • Wait until your dog lies down and then reward. It’s important to give a treat while your Shiba is still lying down, not if you see him getting back up again!
  • You should practice this command a few times a day by increasing the time your pooch spent in a lying position.
  • Gradually increase the distance between you and your Shiba Inu. Take a step back before you reward and then slowly and gradually increase the distance. This step can be especially beneficial if your Shiba Inu is unleashed or when you have to deal with unplanned situations.
  • Do not practice the command ‘stay’ by holding a treat in your hand. Hide the treat in your pocket because it will only lure your Shiba Inu to follow you.
  • To avoid causing your Shiba Inu to anticipate a recall when he accomplishes the command ‘stay’, practice by leaving and returning to him before telling the release word.

How To Teach a Shiba Inu To Stay?

How to teach a Shiba Inu to stay by following the 3 D’s?

Every dog trainer is familiar with the rule of 3 D’s (Duration, Distance, and Distractions). Duration is the amount of time your Shiba Inu spends in a lying-down position. Distance is how far you succeeded to go away from your pooch. Distractions are sounds and things that will happen during your Shiba’s stay.

  • Duration

The duration plays an important role in teaching your Shiba Inu to stay. The amount of time tells you how much is your dog concentrated. To begin, position him as you wish with a sit command and release when ready using the word for ‘release’. Increase the length of this training routine by two-three second intervals every few repeats until your Shiba becomes able to remain for longer periods without breaking it!

  • Distance

Distance represents the ability to move away from your dog while he’s in a ‘stay’ position. Position your Shiba Inu as you wish and tell him the ‘stay’ command. Step back with one foot, lean back, then step back to your dog and release him. Next, take one full step back then return to your dog for the release and a reward. Continue slowly and gradually to increase the distance in the future.

  • Distractions

When we say distractions, we think about anything that can happen during your dog’s ‘stay’. Whether it’s a sound of traffic, a doorbell, someone’s voice, or even an animal in your vicinity, your Shiba needs to stay focused during training. This might sound challenging especially because we know that Shiba Inus are curious animals that were bred to hunt small prey. But, distraction training can help you keep your pet safe when he’s out and about – like at a show or event that has many strange smells! To get started with this technique, teach your Shiba Inu an easy command, then distract him in various environments. For showing obedience and good focus, reward your furry friend with higher-value treats.