
How To Crate Train a Shiba Inu? Tips and Tricks

Are Shiba Inus dangerous

Crate training your Shiba Inu is an important tool for preventing him/her from chewing home items. Crates are deep-seated in dogs’ natures and represent places that provide safety and comfort. By crate training a Shiba Inu, you’ll live with a well-behaved pooch who will be less prone to anxiety and other issues.

There is a wrong opinion that crates are a sort of cages for our furry friends. Our dogs are den animals, so they always search for a safe, quiet, and peaceful place for sleeping and chilling. Depending on your and your dog’s preference, you can choose closed or semi-closed crates. A crate can even be a simple dog bed where your Shiba Inu will feel comfortable.

crate train a shiba inu

How to create a positive association with crate training?

You can start crate training your Shiba Inu from the moment he/she meets the new environment. Since the first impression should be positive, it’s very important not to force your dog to spend time in the crate. Your Shiba Inu can create a positive association by playing in the crate or rewarding him/her with treats.

Crates can be especially beneficial for your Shiba when guests come over, or when you have some things to do in the house. They should never be used for punishment. If your pet destroyed your special item in the house, don’t yell at him or command him to lay in the crate. Such unconscious reactions can harm the process of getting used to a crate.

crate train a shiba inu

Things to keep in mind when crate training a Shiba Inu

  • Do not leave your dog in a crate for too long

Dogs who spend a lot of time in crates will be on a higher tendency to suffer from anxiety. Every Shiba Inu requires plenty of activity, long walks, and running. If you live a busy life, make sure you change your schedule or hire a pet sitter. Note that owning a dog requires a lot of patience, time, and dedication. Your furry friend’s behavior depends only on you, so you’d better think twice before you bring a puppy home.

  • Choose a comfy dog bed for the night

Your Shiba Inu crate should be a comfortable and quality dog bed made of memory foam. A dog bed should also be big enough so your pooch can spread and sleep in different positions.

  • Use treats during training sessions

During lessons of teaching your Shiba Inu to spend time in a crate, it’s important to use treats. That’s how you’ll create a positive association with the place/area your dog is getting used to.

  • Limit the crate area/place

To avoid accidents and destructive habits, crate your dog until they become able to be alone in the house without any behavior issues. You can then graduate them from a small room or an area of their own before giving full access when you’re away – this will help create good behaviors on both ends!

crate train a shiba inu

How to crate train a Shiba Inu?

  • Call your dog to come to the crate and tell him praise words and reward him with treats.
  • Place your Shiba Inu’s favorite toys in the crate and call him to come there.
  • Keep the training sessions short at the beginning (approximately 5 min) and gradually extend the length as the days go by.
  • Make sure your dog is having a nap or sleeps during the night in the crate. That’s how he will figure out it’s a comfortable and safe zone for him.
  • Prepare yourself for a couple of months of training. Even though Shibas quickly figure out what do you want from them, they’re also known as one of the most difficult breeds to train. Shiba Inus are mischievous and tricky. They require strong pack leaders who will know how to outwit their minds.