
Everything You Need To Know About Shiba Inu Colors

sesame shiba inu colors

If you’re thinking to buy a Shiba Inu puppy, then you’re probably facing one of the most difficult decisions. Even though every puppy looks stunning, these facts about Shiba Inu colors will help you choose the right color for your family. These ancient dogs come in 6 coat colors, and with their perky ears, and fox-like appearance, they’re one of the cutest-looking pets in the world.

Despite they’re famous for their adorable appearance, it’s also important to understand other features of these pooches as well. They won’t be a good pick for inexperienced dog owners due to their strong personalities. Shiba Inus need pack leaders who will know how to deal with their stubbornness and curiosity.

Shiba Inu colors- Revealed

Feisty and alert, Shiba Inus are a great fit for active-type of persons. They love to spend plenty of time outdoors running and hiking. Besides, Shiba Inus are great explorers. They’re always in the mood to hunt small prey such as birds, squirrels, and mice. Due to this feature, we should always keep them on leash. A curious Shiba will escape in a second if some creature runs in front of its legs.

When we talk about Shiba Inu colors, they come in 6 gorgeous varieties.

  • Red
  • Cream
  • Sesame
  • Black and tan
  • Black sesame
  • Red sesame

Shiba Inu colors: Explained

Red Shiba Inu

The red color is one of the most desirable Shiba Inu colors in the show rings. It’s also probably the first color that comes to everyone’s mind when thinking about this breed. The darkest shade of red appears on the dog’s back and the top of the head. Lighter shades of red coat are set on the legs and tail, while the so-called Urajiro marking should be visible on the chest, belly, front of the head, and inner side of legs.

shiba inu colors

Since a Shiba Inu has a double coat, the undercoat on red Shiba Inus should be grey or blue. The desirable shade of red is a deep that almost seems like orange. The vibrant red color of the fur is an important breed feature.

What is a dirty red Shiba Inu color?

The Japanese term Sashige is referred to black tipping on the dog’s tail and back. It can be found in red Shiba Inu color and both clear read and read with Sashige are allowed colors in the show ring. It’s important to mention that Shiba Inus are one of the purest dog breeds in the world. In other words, the breeders try to maintain their original appearance and coat colors. Therefore, it’s not surprising why they even wanted to ban the production of Sashige tipping.

Cream Shiba Inu

Cream Shiba Inus appear almost white. They’re not allowed in the show rings because the so-called Urajiro marking is not visible on their chest and belly. Even though they look gorgeous and are completely healthy, the AKC doesn’t approve this coat color in the Shiba Inu breed.

What is wrong with cream Shibas?

When we talk about health, there is nothing wrong with cream Shibas. However, the Nippo organization and the AKC consider this color a serious fault.  Since the Urajiro marking can’t be visible on these dogs, the Nippo organization claims that such dogs can’t be judged.

Unlike other Shiba Inu colors, the cream coat in these pooches is produced by selective breeding. It was the way to save this breed which was on extinction. The cream coat color in Shiba Inus is the result of two ‘e’ recessive genes. They are known as genes that produce only white/cream color. There’s a wrong belief that cream Shiba Inus are the same as albino. Albino dogs often have problems with sensitive skin and light-colored eyes.

On the other hand, you should also know the difference between white and cream Shiba Inus. White Shibas can’t have grey or red tinges, while cream ones can.

Sesame Shiba Inu

The Sesame Shiba Inus are the rarest coat color in this breed. We can’t completely define it, but to many people, it looks like the coat of wolves.  Sesame Shibas have a red base color with a lot of grey and black traces. The Japanese word ‘Goma’ is another name for this Shiba Inu color. The dark shade of black tipping should not be found in more than 50% of their bodies. The Sesame Shiba Inu color is also known as sable, however, this term is not often used. Not all sable Shibas are considered for sesame, so that’s why it’s better to tell that this coat color is known as sesame.

sesame shiba inu colors

Black and Tan Shiba Inu

This type of Shiba Inu color consists of tan points, black, and cream. The creamy areas on the body are called ‘urajiro’ in Japanese. Black and tan Shiba Inus have a vibrant coloring that starts with cream shades, to tan red and ends with a rusty black tip. The thing that makes the black and tan Shiba’s coat unique is the individual black strand of its hair. Each strand contains all three colors, and the creamy coloring is visible on the cheeks, throat, chest, upper lip, chin, and belly.

shiba inu colors

Black Sesame Shiba Inu and Red Sesame Shiba Inu

Red Sesame Shiba Inu is probably one of the most misunderstood Shiba Inu colors. It’s because there are not many correctly colored sesame Shibas. Red Sesame Shibas should have black hair on the body and head, over a rich, deep red background. The black hair should be found down the sides to the top of the legs and on the head down to the muzzle. The black tipping is found on the same spots/areas as in black and tan Shibas. On the other hand, black sesame Shibas have a black background with red hair.