
Does Shiba Inu Love To Cuddle?

does shiba inu love to cuddle

If you would ask Shiba Inu owners to describe this breed, we’re pretty sure they’d use three words: playful, independent, and aloof. Shiba Inus are famous for their witty and charming natures, but when it comes to showing affection, they tend to behave quite reservedly. Lovely Shibas will be the best pick for active owners who love to hike, run, swim, and enjoy any type of outdoor activity. However, since we all would love to have pets that will be affectionate and loyal toward their humans, we decided to reveal the question ‘does Shiba Inu love to cuddle?’

Does Shiba Inu love to cuddle?

Even though Shibas love their owners, they’re not always in a mood to cuddle. It’s because they belong to primitive breeds who were bred to hunt. They are also one of the oldest dog breeds in the world, so as the result, they tend to behave a little bit ‘bossy’ in the house. That’s why you have to find the best way to approach your Shiba Inu’s mind and outwit him/her.

does shiba inu love to cuddle

Shiba Inus are quite independent dogs, so they don’t like to cuddle. Therefore, if you’re searching for an affectionate, lovely, and cute pet, this breed won’t be a good fit for you. Shibas love to hunt, explore, chase, and do all those crazy things outside. That’s why you should never keep him/her off-leash because there’s a high possibility to run away.

Although they look cuddly, Shibas don’t love being kissed and hugged. Shiba Inu’s personality requires plenty of mental stimulation to show obedience. In most cases, they get thrilled with snacks and toys. However, it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t tell him/her praise words after performing a certain command. Shibas love to hear that they’ve done something good and get rewards for showing obedience. To prevent them from being stubborn, their owners will need to have patience for multiple repeating sessions. It’s because a lovely and charming Shiba will always think he/she is smarter than you.

does shiba inu love to cuddle

The Shiba Inu will try to outwit his/her owner and take the role of the pack leader. Therefore, if you’ve never been a dog owner before, we recommend your think twice before getting a Shiba.

Does Shiba Inu love to cuddle with kids?

Well, the answer to this question will be – it depends. The best solution will be to bring a Shiba Inu puppy to grow up together with your children. Note that Shiba tends to become jealous and act territorial if he’s an adult and then you suddenly bring a new family member into the family. Due to this reason, kids should never spend alone with your Shiba Inu, even though you think he’s fully trained and you’ve never seen him act aggressively.

does shiba inu love to cuddle

The Shiba Inu will be in a mood to cuddle only if he/she grows up with your kids and only until he becomes an adult. The adult Shiba will remain loyal, however, he will have other things in mind such as hunting, chasing, and exploring.