Shiba Inus are famous for their unchallengeable beauty. Their rich fur, fox-like appearance, and amazing coat colors attract attention wherever they paw in. Besides they’re known as highly active dogs that are always in the mood for action, we have to pay attention to their weather tolerance. Note that Shiba Inus have double coats, so they tend to get on much better in a cold climate. Can Shiba Inu live in a hot climate is an especially important topic if you’re planning to spend a lot of time outside with your furry friend.
Are Shiba Inus sensitive to heat?
Although Shibas have standard muzzles, they still have rich coats which can make them prone to overheating. Just like any other dogs, Shiba Inus will also shed during the warmer months, however, they won’t release enough fur to feel comfortable outside. In other words, your dog will need your help to safely paw through days when the temperature goes over 24 C degrees.
Dogs can sweat only through their paw pads, so we have to pay attention to their hydration, paw care, and summer protection. To keep your furry friend safe and comfortable during the summer season, the following tips will work the best.
How to keep a Shiba Inu safe in a hot climate?
Can Shiba Inu live in a hot climate? How many times have you asked yourself this question? This topic is especially important if you’re planning to buy or adopt a Shiba Inu puppy. These dogs are native to Japan where they were used for hunting small prey. They tolerate mild and moderately cold climates better because of their double coats. Therefore, allowing a Shiba Inu to spend a whole day in the sun will not be a good decision. To keep your Shiba safe in hot weather, make sure you follow this advice:
- Provide your dog with plenty of fresh water. Just like any other being, our dogs have to drink water to compensate for body fluids.
- Wear protective summer socks or sandals. It might sound silly or weird, but your Shiba Inu will have to wear summer sandals to protect his paw pads. They can easily get burned if a dog walks on hot sand or concrete.
- Consider buying a self-cooling vest. Have you heard of this product? Dog self-cooling vests can help our dogs cool off and regulate their body temperature. This type of dog vest should be worn wet, so a dog can get a pleasant cooling effect during walks.
- Make sure your Shiba Inu paws are soothed. They should be soft in touch and without any cracks. You can use dog paw balm for daily care and moisturizing.
- Pick a cool place in your house or yard. Your Shiba will enjoy summer only if spends days in shady spots. In case your Shiba lives outdoors, set his crate in the coolest place in your yard and make sure he always has fresh water.
What are the signs of heatstroke in a Shiba Inu?
An overheated dog will show loss of energy, weakness, dry gums, and nose. Heavy and noisy breathing can also appear, as well as rapid heart rate. In extreme weather, it’s strictly forbidden to leave a dog in a car even with opened windows. Note that the car temperature goes double in only 3 minutes when the vehicle is left in the sun.
To help an overheated dog, you should quickly wrap him into a wet towel and place a cold compress around his neck. The nape is known as the relief spot where not only dogs but also people can get an immediate cooling effect in case of heatstroke.
Can Shiba Inu live in a hot climate? Wrapping up
Although Shiba Inus much better tolerate hot weather from French bulldogs, Pugs, and other dog breeds with flat muzzles, you should keep in mind that every dog can get a heatstroke. Therefore, be mindful of the risks, and make sure you take the proper steps to keep these dogs cool throughout the warmer months.