
How To Potty Train A Shiba Inu? Revealed

We all agree that potty training is one of the most challenging tasks of every pet parent. Even though Shiba Inus are considered intelligent dogs, their owners may encounter certain difficulties during training lessons. Shibas may act stubbornly if we don’t provide them with good motivational tools. For some pooches, it could be a simple chew toy, while others could expect a tasty treat or even a KONG toy. Shiba Inu potty training should start early, approximately when the dog is 8 weeks old.

shiba inu potty training

Shiba Inu Potty Training- How to start?

The good news about Shiba Inus is that they’re one of the cleanest dog breeds in the world. That’s why people often call them ‘cats in dogs’ suits’. A Shiba Inu doesn’t like to be dirty, so it will start licking body parts to remove dirt. Due to this fact, Shiba Inu potty training should go easier than with most other dog breeds.

Choose a specific place in the house

Choosing a special place in the house for potty lessons is an important task. Your dog should be allowed to do it at only one place in the house. Therefore, once you place the potty pad in a specific place, make sure you don’t confuse your pet by changing his place for going to the toilet. The following reusable potty pads can help your dog learning house breaking rules. They are washable and feature a waterproof bottom that will keep your floor clean.

shiba inu potty training

As soon as your Shiba Inu becomes allowed to go outside, you need to be consistent during the lessons of potty training. While some dogs can figure it out in a few days, others may need more time. That’s why it’s extremely important to support your pet, and use positive reinforcement in teaching.

Positive reinforcement for good results

Every dog love snacks and praise words. Therefore, you can use them during lessons to motivate your pet and make the training go easier. Since Shibas know to behave stubbornly because they possess very independent personalities, their owners should set certain boundaries in the house.  You should become your dog’s pack leader from the first day you brought him home. It’s the key to successful training and living with a well-behaved dog.

Punishment is not allowed because it can only set back the training improvement. Shiba Inus possess very strong personalities and wouldn’t love to feel humiliated and to be treated without respect. These pooches need confident leaders that will know how to properly tailor their behavior.

Monitor your Shiba Inu’s behavior

During the first weeks or even months of training, it’s advisable to monitor the dog’s behavior so you can notice when is the time for a potty. A dog who needs to go to the toilet will walk from room to room, whine, howl, bark, and wait for you in front of the door. Besides, it can wander through the house to find the place to ‘do the job’.

shiba inu potty training

Set the schedule

Setting the schedule is extremely important to escape accidents at home. Every dog should go outside to release the bladder and belly early in the morning, after a meal, after exercise, and before sleep. In that way, your Shiba Inu will memorize the time for going to the toilet. Don’t forget to reward him every time he do it outdoor so he can create a positive connection with those activities.

Forbidden methods during Shiba Inu potty training

  • Do not punish your dog

As we already mentioned, any sort of punishment is not allowed. Do not beat or yell at your Shiba because it can only induce aggression and negative emotions. Instead, have a lot of understanding, patience, and consistency.

  • Do not overfeed your dog with treats

Every dog owner should keep in mind that treats represent extra calories. As the result, a dog can gain weight that can lead to hip and joint issues. Therefore, our advice is to separate a certain amount of your dog’s dry kibble meal and use it for rewarding.

  • Never use the crate as a punishment

Punishing your Shiba by telling him to go to his crate or bed is one of the worst methods to use. Both crate or bed should represent places where your pet will feel safe, relaxed, and happy. Therefore, don’t create bad associations with these two spots because they should take important places in your dog’s life.

potty lessons

Shiba Inu potty training- Wrapping up

Once your Shiba becomes allowed to go outside for a potty, you’ll need to invest plenty of time and efforts in his training. Regardless of what dog breed you own, training is a challenging task for every owner. Therefore, arm yourself with patience, and understand your dog’s feelings. You’re the only one who can’t teach your dog to grow into a confident and obedient pet.