
Shiba Inu Personality: Revealed!

Are Shiba inus friendly

We all think that Shiba Inu is so cute with its fluffy coat and beautiful face. But is this dog for you? That will strongly depend on the personality you’re looking in a dog. If you prefer a cuddly and attention-craving dog, you may need to reconsider getting a Shiba Inu

Shiba Inus can be loving and affectionate but you should not forget their primary nature which was to work in a cold environment. This often leads to Shiba Inu being bored which can lead to destructive behavior.

Before getting this dog to be your companion, let’s discuss Shiba Inu’s temperament and personality.

Shiba Inu temperament 

Kan-i is a Japanese word used to describe Shiba Inu’s boldness. On the other hand, they use Ryosei to describe a kind part of Shiba Inu’s temperament. Soboku is a word Japanese use to emphasize the overall appearance of Shiba Inu. It refers to the fact that this breed is intelligent and powerful but also to Shiba Inus’ faithful side at the same time. It seems like the Japanese found the perfect three words to describe this breed in the most accurate way.

Shiba Inu’s personality is bold, strong and independent. Let’s take a deeper look at Shiba Inu’s personality traits. 

Personality similar to a cat

If you ever wondered why people say that Shiba Inu is like a cat, here’s an answer. Shiba Inus’ similarity to cats is their independence and how they keep themselves clean. They take their time when it comes to grooming themselves but also other pets in the house if there are any. 

Another trait similar to cats is easy and fast potty training. Your Shiba Inu will learn where to “go” very fast and you will never have that kind of trouble with this matter. 

shiba inu personality

Evan thought your Shiba Inu loves you and spending time with you, they are not dependent on your affection and may reject you just like cats sometimes. 

Guard dog

Shiba Inu is not a dog that will bark at everything. They are very quiet until they hear strange noises or people that they find alarming. That’s when they will react to let you know that there’s a potential danger. 

It’s amazing that they will know what is usual and only react to new and unknown sounds and people.

shiba inu personality

Agile and active dog

Shiba Inus are very agile dogs that like being active. They are not sporty dogs but they do need to put their energy somewhere. If not used in some positive activity, Shiba Inus will likely turn to destructive behavior around the house. Engage your Shiba Inu and don’t let them get bored, they may take it out on your stuff.

Another unwanted behavior of bored Shiba Inu is escaping since their agility lets them jump over the fences or pass through small holes in the fence. They can easily bite off your fence or other obstacles.

If you spend a lot of time outside the house or don’t have time to engage in long walks, it’s a good idea to hire a sitter, or dog walker or take them to the dog daycare. 


Shiba Inu can be very friendly, especially after misbehaving. You must admit that they know how to make you soft and forget their mischiefs in a second. All it takes is their smile and “airplane ears” characteristic for this breed. This phenomenon means that Shiba Inu is very happy. 

Vocal and Whiny

Even though Shiba Inu doesn’t bark a lot, they have plenty of vocal ways of communication. They do know what they want and they know how to get it. 

Did you ever hear Shiba Inu scream? Yes, high-pitched sound for the “I am upset” message. Howling goes hand in hand with Shiba Inu’s scream for the full experience. Just like their ancestors, Shiba Inus like to communicate through howling. You will most often hear it when you make them do things they don’t like. Time for a bath? Shiba Inu’s scream is ready. Nail clipping? Be ready for some more screaming. 

The best you can do when this happens is to ignore it. If you let them, your Shiba Inu will start using Shiba scream to get what they want. Yes, that’s the Shiba Inu personality.

Whining and moping are other ways for Shiba Inu to express how unhappy they are about your behavior or when they think they are hurt. They can be the real drama queens. They are very aware of the energy around them which makes them very reactive. They take your energy and then multiply it by 100 to make it a real drama. 

When they think that they are hurt and make it like it’s the end of the world they really mean it. This makes them very nervous and may try to bite in these situations. 

Very Intelligent

With Shiba Inu learning a command is not a problem. The problem is if they want to obey it. They get easily bored because they are good and fast at solving puzzles. They always need new intellectual challenges to keep them occupied A Shiba Inu likes to use its intelligence to test your and your boundaries. It seems like outsmarting owners is their fun hobby.

Use complex toys, tasks, and puzzles to keep their brains challenged and busy. Feeding bowls with hard-to-get food can also be a great brain stimulation for your Shiba Inu. 

Bold and stubborn

Shiba Inu’s temperament includes a very strong will and stubborn attitude. There is no challenge they won’t take since they are very competitive. They also never back down which often leads to aggressive behavior

Shiba Inus like to compete, especially with other dogs. Whatever other dog does, Shiba Inu wants to show that they can do it better. 

If you don’t believe how stubborn can Shiba Inu be, let me just tell you that they would simply stop and refuse to walk if things are not going their way. Wherever they are. 

shiba inu personality

Due to such a strong personality, training is essential for this breed. Reward obedience when training Shiba Inu and build trust. Punishments can lead to results you don’t want, more stubbornness, and rejection to do anything you ask.

The Shiba Inu With Children

Shiba Inu is not the best choice for families with children. This is because Shiba Inus don’t like cuddling and they are very dominant by nature. 

Shibas are not kids-friendly dogs, but if Shiba Inu puppies grow up with children, they can have a nice relationship. It is also very important to teach children how to approach Shiba Inu and how to play with them. They need to know when Shiba Inu is done and had enough of play or cuddling. 

The Shiba Inu With Other Animals

It is better that Shiba Inu is the only “baby” in your home because of their territorial and dominant nature. They usually don’t get along with other animals very well. They see them either as prey or a threat. 

Shiba Inus’ personality trait is also that they don’t like other dogs very much and they can easily get aggressive with them. If you choose to get another Shiba Inu, it’s best to get the opposite sex.

Like with other dogs, friendliness with other animals depends on how and if Shiba Inus were socialized from a young age. All dogs are different with different personalities so many Shibas learn to get along with other animals. 

Physical contact

Shiba Inus are not big fans of cuddling and being constantly touched. Not to mention taking baths, nail clipping and the worst drama: visiting the vet. 

They will choose when are they ready for physical contact. Basically, you need to adjust to their mood. If you don’t get ready for some personality outburst. 


Good luck with explaining to your Shiba Inu that you are the one in charge and they should be obedient. You really need to make obedience worth their while. Whether it’s treats, delicious food, or another form of award, Shiba Inu needs to find it worthy of their time. 

It is very important to be patient and flexible to find out what works with your Shiba Inu dog. This is why it’s very hard to get to the point where Shiba Inu can be trusted off the leash. 


The very territorial behavior of Shiba Inu is the most often cause of aggression for this breed. They believe that certain things are theirs. You can even notice it in Shiba Inu puppies who don’t like their toys and food being taken away from them. 

Shiba Inu’s temperament can easily get out of hand when other dogs or people try to take away their stuff. So, when you have visitors, it’s best to remove their favorite bones, food, treats, toys, or anything they get territorial over. This will prevent fights and problems. 

Male Shiba Inu vs Female Shiba Inu personality

When deciding to get a Shiba Inu puppy, many people wonder if a female or male Shiba Inu is a better choice. 


Here, we are going to cover general differences between male and female Shiba Inu personalities. It is important to keep in mind that generalizations do not apply to all dogs. Personalities are also affected by numerous factors like upbringing, socialization, genetics, and more.

This means that your Shiba Inu may or may not have all the traits of the gender mentioned below.

Female Shiba Inu personality 

Female Shiba Inu is a perfect choice for people who want a less active dog. Female Shiba’s personality is more aloof and calm. They are also better with strangers than the male Shiba Inus.

Female Shiba resembles human females when it comes to being clean. They are very careful to avoid mud and puddles and will take very good care of their fur. 

When it comes to aggression issues in Shiba Inu, female Shibas express it less than males. Studies have shown that non-spayed females will show more aggression than spayed Shibas. Still, female Shiba Inus don’t get along very well with other females since those are seen as competition. 

Female Shiba Inus are very smart and easier to train than males. It is easier to train them with food as a treat for good behavior.

Female Shiba Inu puppies as well as male puppies are very fast at housebreak. The only difference is that female Shibas are pickier about where they “go”.

Male Shiba Inu personality 

Even though male Shiba Inus are more prone to meeting new people, they can have severe aggression issues. When raised properly they can be very friendly. There’s also a difference between neutered and intact males. Neutered males tend to show less dominance and aggression. Their territorial issues can be a real problem if not trained and socialized from the puppy age (6- 15 weeks). Male Shiba Inus also like to mark everything with peeing. 

They are also more destructive around the house than female Shibas. Male Shiba Inu puppies can be very unaware of handling things in their mouth. This is why it’s very important to train and teach them which toys are for hewing. And that your shoes are not. 

Male Shiba Inus are very active due to their testosterone levels and they make a perfect choice if you want an energetic dog ready for action. 

Remember that we mentioned females avoiding puddles? Well, for male Shibas, puddles are a source of fun and a place to dive into. 

Male Shiba Inus are considered a better choice if this is the first time you will have this breed. That’s because they are more friendly, affectionate, obedient and playful. Training male Shiba Inu puppies is also a bit easier.