If you’re thinking about getting a Shiba Inu as your pet, you probably wonder how they adjust to weather changes. They are known for working in cold temperatures but how about hot summer? Is Shiba Inu doing well in hot weather?
In this article we are going to talk about how Shiba Inu reacts to hot weather and what can you do to help.
Can Shiba Inus live in hot weather?
Shiba Inus have a double coat that protest them during summer and winter. This doesn’t mean that they don’t require any care during the hot summer days. Their coat provides circulation of cold air close to their body. It also saves it there, which prevents warm air to come close to their body. If they are constantly in the direct sun and don’t have a chance to cool down, the coat won’t help.
Although Shiba Inus can easily adapt to weather changes over the year, they still need your help. They adjust better to cold winter days than they do to the summer heat. This is why it’s essential to keep an eye on your dog’s behavior and hydration.
Are there any dangers of Shiba Inu staying out in the heat?
Sunburns are not an often occurrence for Shiba Inu, but they can happen. Especially during the shedding period when the skin is more exposed. Long periods spent outside in the heat during the shedding phase can get your dog sunburns.
Dehydration during hot summer days is a danger for all dogs. If Shiba Inu doesn’t get enough water and spends time in the direct sun it will get dehydrated and lethargic.
Heatstroke most often happens when you leave Shiba Inu in the car. This is because car temperature can reach 70-110 F degrees in a very short time period. Imagine how that feels like for dogs like Shiba Inu, that have double coats. Also, heatstroke is one of the biggest dangers for Shiba Inu on hot days.
Heat Exhaustion is caused by Shiba Inu staying out for too long. It will raise its body temperature up. Shiba Inu’s body will try to regulate temperature and that will cause exhaustion.
How to know if your Shiba Inu is too hot?
It is not hard to notice when Shiba Inu is too hot. You just need to pay attention and check on your dog regurarelly. Catching these symptoms in time can save you a lot of trouble. We will talk about prevention later. For now, let’s see what are the signs of Shiba Inu being too hot.
Panting is what Shiba Inu will do to cold down. Short breath is definitely one of the symptoms of overheating. When you notice this, help your dog immediately by giving it water and taking Shiba Inu to a cool place.
Drooling is another attempt of Shiba Inu to cool down and it means it’s not working. Drooling means that your dog is losing water from its system. This leads to dehydration and heatstroke.
If you notice tongue and gum color changes in Shiba Inu act fast. This is a symptom of heatstroke and it can be dangerous. The color will turn into a brighter shade of red like there’s inflammation.
Weakness and disorientation are signs of heatstroke and should not be taken lightly. If your Shiba Inu is not responding when you call, has a hard time walking, or seems confused it’s overheating. Take the steps to cool him down immediately.
Excessive water drinking is a sign that your dog is trying to regulate temperature but it’s not working. If the water is not enough, they need to be taken inside and away from the heat.
Increased heartbeat and body temperature are very dangerous symptoms of overheating. If giving water and taking a dog inside doesn’t help, you need to go see a veterinarian. It is a very serious symptom because it can be fatal if your Shiba Inu doesn’t get the necessary help.
Vomiting is a very serious symptom of heatstroke that requires veterinarian intervention as soon as possible. The same goes for the loss of consciousness. If you don’t go to the veterinarian the outcome may be fatal.
How to take care of your Shiba Inu in the heat?
Here are a few steps that you can do for your canine friend to keep them cool.
Hydration – Make sure that Shiba Inu always has plenty of water. Regularly change the water so it’s always fresh and clean. This will help with heat regulation and keep Shiba Inu from dehydration. Be sure to give him cool water but not above room temperature.
Provide a cool place to stay – If your Shiba Inu is living outside it is necessary that you provide a well-sheltered dog house. If possible, let your Shiba Inu inside where they can enjoy a ceiling fan or air conditioner.
Paddling pools – Let your Shiba Inu cool down in a small paddling pool. They will love it! It’s not just a great way to cool during hot days, but it’s also a fun time for your little friend.
Even though Shiba Ins perform well in cold and hot weather you should not let them handle it on their own. They need your help, especially on very warm days.
As for any other double-coated dog, you need to pay attention to the temperature levels and hydration of Shiba Inu. Make sure that you follow their behavior so you can act in time.