
Why Is My Shiba Inu Shedding Bald Spots?

Shiba Inu Shedding Bald Spots

Shiba Inus are famous for their rich and glamorous coats. However, what to do when you realize that your Shiba Inu is shedding bald spots? Is it the time to become worried? Since no one wants to see a dog in such a condition, we’ve decided to reveal the most common reasons for such an issue.


Shiba Inu Shedding Bald Spots: What Could Be The Reason?

Every dog sheds twice a year. It’s a normal process of preparing the coat for warmer months when they don’t need so much fur on their bodies. However, If your Shiba Inu started to develop bald spots, then there’s probably an underlying issue in his/her body.

Here are the most common reasons when your Shiba Inu is shedding bald spots:

There is a common misconception that only brachycephalic dog breeds such as French bulldogs, Pugs, and Boston Terriers can suffer from seasonal allergies. However, the truth is that every dog breed can develop an allergic reaction in case it has weak immunity. Shiba Inus can show an allergy, especially during a blooming season. Seasonal pollen of grass and trees, as well as dust, mites, and mold, can be only some of the triggers for your dog’s reaction.  Therefore, by including Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids into your Shiba Inu’s diet, you can do a lot for his immunity. Besides, you can start rewarding him/her with some fresh blueberries and raspberries that represent high sources of antioxidants.

Shiba Inu Shedding Bald Spots

  • Fleas 

Fleas can be another reason for your Shiba Inu’s shedding. Fleas are pesky little creatures that can be found anywhere, even on your favorite pet. They survive year-round in cold climates because of their ability to live off other animals and pets so you may not even know they’re there!

Imagine the discomfort of living with an itchy skin disease that spreads quickly. Not only will you be constantly scratching yourself, but your dog may also develop roundworms and tapeworms in their stomach! The good news is that fleas can easily get eliminated by bathing your Shiba with special anti-flea shampoos. Another solution is to use an anti-flea collar or an oil ampoule that is applied directly to the skin along the spine of the dog.  Therefore, it’s better to invest now before summer rolls around again when these pests come out looking for blood meals in full force.

  • Hypothyroidism

Dogs who suffer from hypothyroidism are on a higher tendency to develop bald spots. In case your dog is completely healthy and you’re suspecting he’s suffering from an underlying cause, then you can ask your vet to perform a blood test. The coat of dogs with hypothyroidism will be dull-looking, and their skin will be thin and flaky but not red. Redness and itchiness are usually not the signs of hypothyroidism.

Besides, you can notice black patches that can become hairless. Sudden weight loss or gain loss is also one of the alarming signs that can point to a hormonal imbalance.

  • Separation anxiety and stress

Even though Shiba Inus are quite independent, they still don’t love to spend plenty of time alone. That could lead them to suffer from separation anxiety and become very destructive. Sometimes, dog owners aren’t aware of the situation, so the condition can become extremely severe. A dog who suffers from anxiety can start scratching its body parts to blood and develop bald spots. Licking and chewing paws may also occur, so that’s why it’s essential to react on time and start with the right treatment.

  • Ringworm, mites, and bacteria

Ringworm is a common infectious disease in dogs, and in some cases, it can be difficult to treat. If you notice small ring-like lesions all over your Shiba Inu’s body and they don’t seem like any other type of skin problem then, I would recommend consulting with an expert. Ringworm is highly contagious and should be treated with topical and antifungal medications.

Mites can also be one of the reasons for developing bald spots on your Shiba Inu. The visible hair loss may occur around the eyes, ears, mouth, and armpits especially. Besides thickened skin, a Shiba Inu can have oily skin, itchiness, and inflammation that must be treated with antibiotics, and topical creams.

Shiba Inu Shedding Bald Spots

  • Pressure sores

If you have an older or a fat Shiba Inu, it’s important to be aware of the risk for pressure sores. The constant contact with hard surfaces can cause hair loss and thick skin that may result in painful open wounds! Since they are extremely painful, you have to treat them immediately. Otherwise, your dog can even experience severe mobility issues.

Why is your Shiba Inu shedding bald spots? Wrapping up

Since the dog’s coat is the mirror of his overall health, it’s essential to explore the root of the problem if you notice any change. Dull-looking coat, dry skin, flaky, or too oily skin should be treated from the very beginning. It’s the only way to escape bigger problems that will eventually lead to hair loss.

Besides feeding your Shiba Inu with a well-balanced diet, you have to add supplements that promote a healthy coat. Regular grooming and choosing the right dog shampoo is also important. Some inexperienced dog owners may think that baby or human shampoos will work great on their Shiba Inu’s coat. However, the truth is that they can only cause itchiness and allergies. Dogs have different pH values of the skin, so you have to find a quality dog shampoo for your pooch.