
Shiba Inu Puppy Starter Kit- What To Buy?

Purchasing gear for your new family member is both a fun and challenging moment. You know what your pup needs to stay healthy and happy – a Shiba Inu puppy starter kit! This list includes everything that’s needed for sleeping, walking or training, and it will help your dog easier paw through puppyhood.

What do I need to buy for my Shiba Inu puppy?

  • A quality dog harness

A dog harness will be a better choice when taking your puppy on strolls. Since your Shiba Inu puppy will pull a lot while attached to the leash, a harness will relocate the pressure from neck to chest area. In that way, your Shiba won’t develop spine and neck injury, and you’ll be able to easier maneuver with your pet. For young puppies, we recommend you choose a Shiba Inu harness made of breathable mesh or padded with soft plush. Even though Shibas have double-layered coats, their fur isn’t so thick in the first months of their lives. Therefore, padded dog harnesses will be the best option to avoid skin irritations.

  • Dog feeding and water bowls

When choosing a feeding and water bowls for your Shiba Inu puppy, it’s important to consider his/her eating behavior. If your pet eats fast, then you have to choose an anti-choke feeding bowl that will prolong the mealtime. Fast eating can lead to flatulence, so it’s advisable to choose this type of bowl for your pup during the first months of his/her life. If you’re in doubt of which material to look for a bowl, our advice is to choose ceramic type because they’re heavier and will not slip. Another option also includes bowls with special anti-slip bottoms so they can stay in one place during meals.

  • Chew toys for your Shiba Inu

Since your Shiba Inu puppy will go through a painful teething phase, it’s important to provide him/her with pleasant rubber chew toys. The pins will provide the dog’s gums with a pleasant massage and will soothe the pain your dog feels. You can even place the toys in the fridge for an hour and then give your dog to play with them.

  • Shiba Inu bed

During the first months of your dog’s life, he will stabilize his sleeping routine and your task is to monitor his sleeping habits in order to choose the best dog bed. Does your Shiba love to place his head on an elevated edge or he loves to curl up like a donut? Depending on his sleeping position, you can choose the right bed too. 

  • Poop bags

There is nothing worse than seeing irresponsible dog owners leave a mess after their dogs. Please, don’t be one of them. There are plenty of options to attach the poop bags to your leash when going on strolls.

  • Treats

We can’t forget good, old treats! Those tasty bites help our dogs to figure out that they’re doing positive and desirable. Rewarding represents an important part of your Shiba Inu’s life, so they definitely have to find the place on the list of essentials.

  • Grooming tools

Since Shiba Inus have thick and double-layered coats, it’s preferred to use needle combs for combing their fur. The needles should have a special coating on the top to avoid irritations, and you can also use a silicone grooming glove for reaching every place on your pet’s body.

  • Nail trimmers

Your Shiba Inu’s nails have to get regular trimming because long nails can affect his/her mobility. Besides, long dog nails can easily become ingrown and painful, and this condition requires professional care. To get the best tips about this routine, we recommend you read our blog post about trimming your Shiba Inu nails.

Dogs need food that will suit their needs through different life stages. To make the best pick, we recommend you ask your breeder what diet to choose for your Shiba. If your breeder fed his puppies with a raw diet and you want to switch your pup to dry kibble, make sure you do it gradually. Any sudden change in your Shiba Inu diet can cause stomach problems and lead to runny stools.

  • Warm clothes for cold months

Even though Shiba Inus have thick coats, they still need to wear waterproof jackets or jumpsuits in the winter when spending a prolonged time outside. Dogs can get hypothermia if their fur is wet and if they walk barefoot on icy terrains for a long time. Therefore, make sure your little pup wears an extra layer during the winter season.