From the moment you brought a charming Shiba Inu puppy home, your life has changed forever. You became the only one responsible for that cute puppy’s health and behavior. However, being a dog owner doesn’t always sound easy. You have to invest plenty of time, energy, and even money to live with an obedient pooch. If you want to ‘grow’ into a responsible owner and build a relationship full of love, it’s important to keep in mind these rules.
Start with training lessons late
The best time to start with training your Shiba Inu puppy is from the moment you bring it home. The first lessons include determining the potty place and adjusting to a new environment. Your little fox will need some time to accept spending time in the crate while setting the boundaries and becoming his/her pack leader will build a healthy relationship.
Spoiling your Shiba Inu
Although Shibas are generally known as independent dogs, they quite know how to outwit the owners and reach their goals. And… we talk about extra calories. Do not spoil your dog by rewarding him with treats without a purpose. Dogs connect rewarding with positive behavior, so if you feed your pooch with snacks even when he doesn’t do anything, then you can certainly expect trouble in paradise.
Neglecting your Shiba Inu’s dental hygiene
Unfortunately, inexperienced dog owners think that their Shiba Inu’s teeth do not require regular brushing. However, dogs really need tooth brushing at least twice a week. Collected tartar and plaque can lead to periodontal disease and permanent teeth loss, and the only way to help your pet is to use dental treats, rubber chew toys, and perform tooth brushing.
Feeding a dog with your food leftovers
We are all familiar with those ‘sad puppy eyes’ that begs us every time we sit at the kitchen table to have a meal. Every bite just gets awkward, uncomfortable, and you want to finish your lunch as soon as possible. And then…the situation culminates when you give up and your Shiba Inu finally gets what he wants. However, that’s the biggest mistake you could make. In this way, you are not only teaching your dog bad behavior but also harming his health. Our food contains salt, spices, oils, and all those ingredients that could harm our dogs’ digestive systems. Special attention should be paid to Shiba Inu’s tendency to suffer from allergies. These little foxes can get itchy skin, hives, and bumps on their skin if eat inappropriate and spicy food. Therefore, we recommend you stay consistent and not show weakness next time your four-legged friend begs for those tasty bites.
Misunderstanding your Shiba Inu’s needs
Shiba Inus are one of the most active dog breeds. Since they were bred to hunt small prey, you can’t expect they’ll be able to spend plenty of time indoors. Shiba Inus will be the best pick for active people who like hiking, running, and cycling. Shibas will enjoy following their owners because that’s how they please their bodies and minds.
Not paying attention to your Shiba Inu’s aggression
Shiba Inus can behave aggressively toward unknown people and dogs. They’re not so friendly toward strangers, so you have to be very careful when teaching them good behavior. In tailoring your Shiba Inu’s personality, socialization will play the most important role. Therefore, take your furry friend to public places, let him/her explore the environment, and meet other dogs and people because it’s the only way to induce friendly behavior.